Isbeddel Duleed

Wax kasta oo aad aragtaa, xasuus fog buu kugu celiyaa. Goobta aad marto, halka aad ka laabto, luuqluuqyada xaafadaha, gidaarada iyo waddooyinku ba, maskaxda - qaybta xasuusta fog - aad bay uga shaqaysiiyaan. Waa xaalad dhacda marka ruux ku noqdo arladii uu marxaladaha hore ee korriinka  ku soo qaatay. Halkani waa garoonkii aad dhallaanimo kubadda ku dheeli jirtay. Haddeer guryo ayaa laga dhisay. Marka horeba garoon ma ahayn ee balloodho xaqa-naas ayaad ku dhex ciyaari jirteen. In sidiisii loo daayaa wacnaydaa. In goobtani xasuustaas astaan u sii ahaataa, wanaagsanaydaa.

Xog sugan

Imisa ayaad kobtan guul kala carawday; meeqa jeer ayaad sharad ku badiseen; imisa ayaad halkan ku damaashaadeen; maxaad fursad beerdarraysay oo aad lumisay. Markaas ma jirin - walina gayigeena kama jirtee - sida imika dunida ciyaaruhu u nidaamsan tahay; u horumartay, xog sugan ayay adeegsiga tiknoolajiyaddu inagu saacidi kari lahayd. Waxa la diiwaangalin lahaa inta ciyaarood ee ruux saftay, inta uu gool dhalliyey, inta uu gool saaciday iyo qiimayn ahaan halka uu taagnaa!

Alla, halkaasi bartii aad berigii ku dhaawacantay miyaanay ahayn. Quraaradii ku kala jartay suulka ee aad cammuudda uun nabarkii gadhka u galisay, wali tilmaantii cagta waa ka sii muuqataa. Dhankan kale, waa halkii saaxiibkaa gacanta kaga jabay. Halkaasi waa bartii gool ku laadka xorta ah aad ku tababaran jirteen. Dhinacaasi, waa goobtii dhuumadhuumayda lagu ciyaari jiray. Geed Hindigii halkan ku ooli jiray, la jare mar hore. Kii gobka ahaa, laami baa la tagtay. Geedkii fiitamiinka ahaa ee aad midhihiisa subaxa hore sida tuugada ah ku guran jirteen waa qaadhay oo qalalay. Nafaqodarro, daryeel la’aan, dunidan sii kululaanaysa iyo doorsoonka cimilada wax kaga dar. Halkeer xero-digaag baa ahaan jirtay. Nijiaar-yarihii dhisay baad xitaa garanaysaa. Ninku farsamo fiicnaayaa! Sidaas ayay geedaha, dhagaxda iyo carrada meesha taal kuula hadlayaan. Tilmaan, tibaax iyo xasuus ayay gudbinayaan. Waa halkii Abwaan Gaarriye Allah ha u naxariistee:

Dhulku wuu tiraabaa

Tuska roobka dayruhu

Onkod buu ku taamaa



Dhanka kale, marka aad meelahaa iska mushaaxayso, dadka kaa soo horbaxaa, sow wax badan maskaxdaada kama fikirsiiyaan. Ninkaasi sow hebel maaha; ismaba beddelin. Waa tabtiisii. Kan kale, sow hebel isna maaha. Alla muxuu gaboobay. Kani dhutinayaa, isna ninkii odaygii miyaanu ahayn. Kan kursiga ku tukanaya fiiri. Da’ ma haysee, jilbaha ayaa laga galoo, dabada dhulka ma saari karo. Markii aad korayseen, qof kursi ku tukanaya abid ma aad arag. Xaajigii u horreeyey ee isaga oo kursi ku tukanaya aad aragto ayaad xitaa xasuusan tahay. Haddeer, masaajid bilaa kuraas ah, la soo heli maayo. Ugu yaraan, horta indhaha ma aan saarin.

Ninkani isagu waa tadhahay oo tanaaday. Aad buu u ladan yahay. Gaadiid, guryo, hanti-ma-guurto ah, dad iyo duunyaba waa buux.

Askarigani ma garanaysaa? Sow ninkii rabshada badnaan jiray maaha. Ninku dhib badnaayaa. Qalqaalisanaayaa! Miskiinkan eeg; faalig baa ku dhuftoo, haddeer socodka ayaa ku dhib ah. Bal kan kale fiiri, waa ilka beelay, wada ciraystay; dirqi baa lagu sii garanayaa. Dhibta dalka taalla qaadka ayaa ka mid ah, haddii aanu ahaynba mushkiladda ijtimaaciga ah ee sebenkan ugu qardaafadda kulul. Qaad baa dalkii iyo dadkii halakeeyey. Xooggii buu dabray, sharaftii buu laaley, qoysaskii buu isa sudhay, xiskii buu la tegay! Bahalkaasi muxuu dhib na baday!

Doorsoon Duleed

Doc kale, maxaa dad dunida ka huleellay. Odayadii sharfanaa ee masaajidada safal-awalka ahaa cidi kama joogto. Jaarkii, waayeel iyo dhallin ba, in badani hoyatay. In kale oo door ahi, dibadda u dalandooshay. Maamooyinkii halkan sariimadda aad ku mari jirtay, nusa-saacaha ku siin jiray, badi wada god-gale. In fara ku tiris ahi; hawlgab noqde. Dadkaasi inta gabaw iyo da’ u god gashay, waxay u badan tahay inay ka badan yihiin inta dhakhtarxumo, xanuun iyo daryeel la’aan sababsatay.

Sidaas oo ay tahay, waxa jira dad ama midhadh ilaa berigaa aanu xiskoogu joogin, rafaad ku nool ahaa oo wali neefsanaya. Waa caqli aadame iyo garashadiiye, waxay maskaxdu baadigoob u galaysaa xikmadda ku duugan in hore loo oofsado hebello waxtar qofeed iyo mid bulsho lahaa, xili ay ku jireen da’da loogu awoodda badan yahay iyo in masaakiin kadeed ku nool ahi, waqti dheer dabaysha sii joogaan. Qaddar iyo qoraal Rabbi in hawlahani yihiin, haddana markiiba garawsatay. Allow tooba. Asalka banaanba, xikmadda Rabbi waxa sarjara garasho teena indhawgaradka ah in badan ka korraysa.

Isbeddelka duleed ee muuqda ka kimikaad ee abadiga ahi kama dhumuc iyo dhadhan yara. Si fudud haddii aan u dhigo, doorsoonka dhulka iyo deegaanka ka muuqda, waxa aan ka yarayn, ka dadka iyo habdhaqankooda la soo dersay. Kaliya dhaadasho ayuu rabaa!

Qalinka: Abdirahman Adan Mohamoud


Magaalo Adkaysi leh

Magaalowga dunida ee sida xawliga ah u socda, inta badanna ay sababaan raadinta fursado shaqo, adeegyo dawlo, nolol raadis iyo haraatida doorsoonka cimilada ayaa sandule ka dhigaya in maamulada maxalliga ahi adkaysi iyo farsamo la falgal u lahaadaan gedgeddoonka waayaha hadba soo kordha. Waqtiga ayaa qasbaya inay gufeeyaan nuglaanshaha oo adkaysiga la xoojiyo. Guud ahaan, beryahan danbe, waxa soo noqnoqday tumaati ka dhalata masiibooyin ama dad samee ah (dagaalada, barakaca iwm) ama dabiici ah (abaaraha, fatahaada, dabka iqb). Intuba waa cadaw oo nolosha aadamaha u wada daran. Haddana la wada baajin kari maayo. Markaas waxa qasab ah in tab iyo xeelad looga hortago; lagula falgalo, khasaaraha na lagu yareeyo la helo. Marka ay sidaa tahay, waxa halkan soo galaya jaangoynta u adkaysiga ammuurahan. Waa waxa afka qalaad loo yaqaan ‘Resilience Planning’. Adkaynta kartida hay’adaha maxalliga ah ee ka jawaabida aafooyinka aan si guud u nidhaahno. 

Kalyo adkaytan jaangoyntooda afar walxood ayaa asal u ah: 

1. Odorasidda iyo fahmidda khataraha soo wajahan. U gundodegga iyo dhuuxida jaadka khatareed ee deegaan halis ugu jiro weeyi. 

2. Haddii la fahmo, sidii loola tacaali lahaa in wax la iska waydiiyaa oo meel wax la isla dhigaa waa daruuri. Halkan waxa aad u muhiim ah in la kala qalo oo la kala caddeeyo kaalmaha iyo xilalka hay’daha dawliga ah ee ka jawaabida u xilsaaran. Sidan waxa loo yeelayaa in laga gaashaanto fawdo iyo isdhexyaac dhaca aminta dhibtu taagan tahay. Aminta gurmadka iyo jawaabta loogu baahi badan yahay. 

3. Qorshayaasha ku talagal ee ka hortag leh, la falgal leh, hoos u dhig khasaare leh in maalgalin ku filan loo raadiyo oo loo helo waa lamahuraan si jawaabtu wax ku ool u noqoto. 

4. Ka soo kabashada mashaqadu waa inay noqotaa mid si hufnaan leh loo maamulay, maxsuulka soo baxaana, kii hore ka adkaysi iyo tayo wacan yahay. Waa halka ay ka yidhaahdaan “Build back better”

Si afartan qoddob u fulaan, afar kale in la helaa ama la hirgaliyaa waa lagama maarmaan. 

1. Unugyo, waaxyo iyo xafiisyo dawladeed oo u xilsaaran, una dabran, ka hortag iyo ka jawaabida xaaladdaha kor ku xusan. Xeerarkii iyo habraacyadii maamul waa inay jiraan oo la isla ogol yahay. 

2. Xirfad, awood iyo karti qorshayaasha lagu fuliyo.

3. Habdhaqan bulsheed isa saacida, isku damqada oo istaageersada. 

4. Iyo dhaqaale u dhabar adayga mawjadaha ku lammaan dhibaatooyinkan soo noqnoqday.

Agabyo caalami ah oo la fududeeyey oo hawlahan loo samaystayna waa jiraan, waana aqoon guud oo la wadaago ama la kala ergisto. Deegaamayn ayay se mar walba u baahanayaan. Waxa ka mid ah Sendai Framework, CityRAP, Sponge Cities. 

Isku darkan qoddobadan ayaa dal ka dhiga mid markaaba ka jawaabi kara dhibaatooyinka soo wajaha. Tusaale, magaalooyinka dunida qaar marka dhib soo gaadho dhismo-hoosaadka dhaqaalaha (adeegga korontada iyo jidadka halbawlaha ah), maalmo gudahood ayay ku soo celiyaan adeegyadaas. Sabab. Waa u diyaargarow, qorshayn iyo karti. 

Maqnaanshaha inta badan qoddobadan sare ayaa dal iyo dad ka dhiga mid nugul. Maqnaanshahan oo lagu daray, is dhigasho, qorshe la’aan iyo haynta oo aad u kooban ayaa dal ama dad (sida Soomaalida oo kale) ka dhiga kuwo nugul, qaxar u joog ah, tumaatidu ku soo noqnoqoto, hadba haraati kululna horusocod u diido. Hayntu ha koobnaatee, laakiin inta farsamoxumo baddo ayaa leeg, haddii aanay ka badnayn ba inta itaal la’aani yeesho.

Qalinka: Cabdiraxmaan Aadan Maxamuud 


Conflicting Priorities

It’s difficult but doable when someone attempts to achieve multiple targets in a highly dynamic and always conflicting, time-constrained environments. My situation in the last couple of weeks resembled such irony as I was engaged in the following: 

▪️Focusing on a course I was attending to and conceptualising the course content and concepts. At the same time, top of my agenda included networking, building transcontinental alliances and experience-sharing with diverse group of participants. Coming from different countries in different continents, always good listeners and when prompted, generously sharing practical examples from their settings. Understandably, interaction with such energetic participants was so intriguing and an enriching experience. In addition, not less interesting but fascinating in equal measures was the encounter and  deliberations with a small yet capable group of facilitators and technical experts on various but pertinent fields; equally from diverse countries around the world while still:

▪️Maximising opportunity, exploring and observing complicated but resilient and smart solutions that simplified life for citizens on almost all spheres of life. 

▪️Catching up with family members, friends, relatives in the Netherlands and in the neighboring countries whilst meeting as much people as possible and (re)connecting with old and new friends. 

▪️Sightseeing and visiting historical places. Whilst this is important and worth in investing time and energy, given the time limitations, I had to strike a balance between sightseeing and people-centred interactions. For me, the latter is more valuable than spending time (and possibly resources) at ancient, centuries-old attraction sites. Nevertheless, some visits to such historical and appealing attractions were already incorporated into the program and ideally that shall suffice.

▪️As all these were taking place simultaneously and often in competing and contradicting contextual timeframes, It was prerogative to remain abreast with the family, first with dearest mom and siblings, to larger family members and to a lesser extent my inner circles of friends. The latter are largely scattered throughout the world but interestingly remain connected through the power of web. With such a solid network, one would always remain updated on all matters -personal, national, global and professional developments, feel connected, challenged, entertained, and surrounded. 

▪️Last but not the least, sustaining decades-old habit of having a diary is tiring but glad I maintained it regardless of circumstances. Needless to mention that reading - equally an important ritual and a top priority of my to-do-list has become - lately, more precisely, while on the move and in trainings, on top of the work- the first victim of such super busy and demanding schedule. But, not astonishingly, it keeps kicked in, immediately right after return.

By: Abdirahman Adan Mohamoud


Key takeaways from an Urban Governance Course

With the ballooning urban populations in the world’s conurbations, secondary cities and settlements attributed to many varying reasons but broadly the search for better living conditions and climate-change associated shocks, the need to have resilient plans for many settlements, towns and cities is more pressing than ever. 

Against this short backdrop, we concluded with style a two-week course on Urban Governance- Resilient and Smart Cities in The Hague, Netherlands. The training was designed and delivered by the Hague Academy on Local Governance. only 13 participants -civil servants, practitioners, and urbanists, representing seven countries in Africa, Latin America and Europe gathered to sharpen their skills. A small, but able team of facilitators, backed by a group of multidisciplinary specialists delivered experts-led thematic topics. 

The course covered crucial topics pertaining to vastly changing and rapidly expanding cities in an increasingly urbanizing world. These included frameworks and strategies for urban resilience, designing resilient frameworks at the local level, urban environment resilience, gender inclusion in urban resilience, financing urban resilience, urban mobility and engaging in smart mobility solutions, social and economic resilience, and change management. 

Apart from the structured course work, first-hand information and experience shared by well-informed practitioners, contributed significantly to the learning environment. The enthusiastic participants - coming from different countries in different continents and contextual differences, generously sharing practical examples from their own settings - was so intriguing and an enriching experience. Equally impressive were the resourceful and knowledgeable facilitators and experts who run various, but all interconnected sessions.

No less impressive were visits to several institutions such as The Hague and Amsterdam municipalities, Green Village at Delft Technical University and Traffic Management Centre in Amsterdam. Briefings from officials at these entities and the subsequent question and answer sessions were not only eye-opening but, inspiring and mind-blowing. 

Summarizing the concepts and lessons learnt from two weeks of deliberations into a pager or so is not a simple task, but below is, I believe, a fair reflection of the key takeaways from the course:

◼️Being a ‘smart city’ implies employing technology as an enabler for cities functionality and efficiency. But tech-based solutions alone will not make cities smart. While these are necessary tools and needed for transformative actions, metro-sapiens’ vision with actions is centrally fundamental to any progress. In other words, cities to work properly, smart solutions need smart people. 

🟩City-level resilience plans are crucial for protection of disaster risks. Cities inspiring to become resilient should consider and strengthen the four pillars of resilient planning- institutional, physical, social, and economical infrastructure.                                                         

🔸Cities that have resilience plans in place are better equipped to respond and cope with disaster risks.

 🔹The likes of Sendai Framework could serve as an effective tool for resilience planning. Sendai framework refers to how communities can effectively cope with and adapt to the impacts of hazards in a timely manner. It focuses on four key issues: understanding risks, strengthening risk disaster governance, investing in disaster risk reduction for resilience and enhancing disaster risk preparedness.

 ◾️The ability of local economy to weather and bounce back short-term shocks and long-term stresses makes local communities socially and economically viable. 

 🟢Wide stakeholder involvement, ability to listen, adjust and respond to local solutions, participatory processes and stimulating connected systems’ thinking are all key factors to support community-based resilience. 

 🟤Understanding resilience shocks and stresses are crucial to realistic and durable community and city-level resilience plans.

 🔷Restoring ecosystem services and implementing nature-based solutions is an efficient way to minimize the risk of disasters and improve the liveability of cities. Planting more trees and restoring ecosystems can be a cost-effective approach to climate adaptation and resilience.

 🟣Inclusive planning makes progress and development holistic. All segments of society including those traditionally alienated shall feel part and parcel of the process so that sense of ownership takes deeper root and outcomes are all protected, respected, and preserved by all.

✔️Financing adequately at sub-national structures is essential in making cities sustainable. Resilient financing could be perpetuated with strong base of own source revenue, reliable and accountable transfers, and a responsible borrowing. 

☑️Cities struggle to access finance for resilience mainly due to complexities surrounding raising own-source revenue, streamlining transfers, proving creditworthiness, engaging with private sector and unlocking resources that are prerequisite for delivery of decentralized services, investment and infrastructure development.  

◾️When expenditure and revenue assignments are realistically designed, and coupled with predictable and accountable fiscal transfers, a sustainable delivery of social services is ensured, provided that good governance is applied all along. Vertical and horizontal imbalances lead to unfunded mandates. Dedicated development funds such as municipal development fund safeguards effective provision of services.

➰Change management is always not an easy exercise but when envisioned in a wholistic manner, possible resistance anticipated through mind mapping or fishbone diagram and other similar proven tools, and mitigating measures are put in place, changes are realized.                                                                                           

🟡Back home action plan (BHAP) is an effective way to ensure knowledge and skills acquired are put in good use.

By: Abdirahman Adan Mohamoud


Brutal Fighting in Sudan- The Forgotten Tragedy

Fighting broke out between the warring factions in Sudan exactly one year ago. What started out as a disagreement over the merge of paramili...