How Covid-19 is changing our lives

Covid-19 has nearly turned the life upside down. According to the latest global tally, it so far affected 202 territories with over 5 million infections. The global death toll stands slightly over 350 thousand at the time of writing this piece.  

The pandemic substantially affected our way of living. As curfew, lock downs, social distancing and stay at home measures take effect, inter-personal relations take strange turns; and dramatic increase of domestic abuses are reported in many societies. 

Changing Modalities 

The pandemic has changed the way we work, learn and integrate for the past two and half months. Many people have been (and still) telecommuting and working from home. Schools, chiefly international private ones, adopted a virtual learning system. Consequently, students continue learning through virtual means, using different learning/ teaching platforms. 

The new modality has its hiccups as enabling environment is in question. The requisite amenities- space and resources- such as machines, stable and reliable power and internet connections are not so widespread, if not in short supply.  Sometimes, power outage disrupts zoom or team meetings and one have to shift to alternative power to ensure business continuity. In addition, this approach serves only for students coming from relatively well-off backgrounds and hence it doesn’t work for education for all goals. 

For learners in private schools to continue education, virtually, parents had to incur additional expenses by buying tablets, smartphones or any other devices to continue online learning. Sadly, this is coming at a time, when many parents were affected by the economic shocks caused by Covid-19 and the associated restrictions. Although many schools considering the current situation, reviewed fee structures and as such provided reasonable discounts, the matter couldn’t be settled amicably in some leaning centers and the issue had to be referred to courts.  

Economic Effect

The pandemic hit hard in developing countries, where unemployment is rampant and informal economy provides most of the available job opportunities. Mindful of this, governments largely refrained from imposing lock downs but rather put in place preventive measures in a bid to contain the virus. 

Yet, all economic sectors are affected as planes are grounded, travel severely restricted to transporting essential commodities, restaurants and eateries closed, (partial) curfew imposed and consequently; local productivity adversely impacted; and all learning-teaching institutions closed. The governments offered tax relief to ease the suffering of the local people. Tax exemption is provided to essential food items and all medical supplies are imported without tax levy. In some instances, economic stimulant package is introduced in countries like Kenya, where the government announced a $ 503 million package to save local economy. Eight crucial sectors will reportedly benefit from this injection. These include, among other key sectors, infrastructure development, health and education development, manufacturing and agriculture; and tourism. 

Spiritual impact 

The pandemic has not only affected our physical, societal and fiscal aspects of life, but equally impacted on our spiritual and faith-related rituals. Worth to mention is the just ended Muslim holy month of Ramadan, where over 1.6 billion Muslims around the globe had to fast quietly amid unprecedented odd circumstances.  

Ramadan is the month of reflection, caring and sharing. It is considered a spiritual retreat.  It is the month when poor and less fortunate people are taken care of, alms giving is encouraged to orphans, homeless and all those eligible and vulnerable community members. From dawn to dusk, every day, Muslims observing the holy month, strictly abstain from all food and drink, among other things. Until immemorial time, the day-long fasting is accomplished in a ritualistic, often communal feasting at evenings. Oddly, this wasn’t the case in this Ramadan and faithful Muslims had to break fasting lonely and quietly. 

Furthermore, Ramadan nights are famous with colorful rituals; reading holy Quran and with special prayers known as Taraweeh, all geared to connecting the mind and soul to the creator. Taraweeh, a congregation meant to perform collectively in every night of Ramadan was suspended this year as mosques remained closed. People had to perform this special prayer at home with family members. 

Eid el Fitr marks the end of month-long fasting and families celebrate together, hoping their good deeds in Ramadan are accepted. However, this year people had to observe odd Eid celebrations. This meant, performing Eid prayers at home and largely avoiding visits of loved ones and any meaningful community interactions. Due to Covid-19 containment guidelines, Eid celebrations, without the usual feasting and fanfare, is essentially reduced to a family affair. No event in the recent history has affected us and shaped our life so profoundly and pervasively. 

Back home, the situation is different as people continued to perform Ramadan rituals collectively and celebrated Eid communally. The virus is spreading aggressively but local people ironically pay little attention to health advisories. Many continued to defy government-imposed guidelines whilst some even think the thing is hoax and therefore, business continues as usual. Though the government had imposed measures to curb the spread of Covid-19, it is really having tough time in winning against the disease. Needless to mention the tenuous local capacity to respond to such calamities. 

As time elapses, and local people better learn the devastating impact of Covid-19, a communal behavior change- a required crucial element for this unusual fight- coupled with better response capabilities- must happen, if we want to effectively deal with the situation. 

Abdirahman Adan Mohamoud






Marti Sharfan

Sannadkii ba hal mar ayay ina soo booqataa. Markaas ay ina soo martido, dad badani kuma baraarugsanna qiimaha ay leedahay. Dadka qaar, camalkoogu gaabis ba ha iska ahaadee, intii Rabbi uga qadaro, waa kala hadhaan. Qolyo kalena, waxa ay tamar hayaan oo dhan ayay dul dhigaan si ay uga faa’iidaystaan. Sida suubanuhu NNKHA inoo sheegay, bilawga bishaba mid dhawaaqa ayaa farriin dira. Wuxuu ku dhawaaqaa:

“Qof kii khayr ku foognaayow, dardar gali, kii xumaan ku jirawna, gaabso”

Naxariista Eebe, si Muslimiintu uga badbaadaan dabinka shaydaanka, waxa la inoo sheegay in shayaadiinta kuwooda madaxa adag la xidho. Bishaarada ka sii wayni waa in albaabada Jannada oo dhan la balaqo, kuwa Naarta na la xidho.

Maalmaheegu waa wada fursado iyo barako. Bilawgeedu waa naxariis; badhtankeedu waa danbi dhaaf; dhamaadkeeduna waa cadaabta oo la iska xoreeyo. Intaas waxa sii dheer, habeenka tobanka danbe lagu dhex qariyey. Habeenka camal aadamuhu qabto oo la aqbalaa, ka ajar badan yahay, shaqo kun bilood la qabto. Waa habeenka wayn ee Laylatul Qadriga. Waa habeenka qofka Alle waafajiyo cibaadadiisu u dhigmayso mid joogto loo soo qabanayay muddo 83 sanno iyo dheeraad ah. Ku darsoo soonka bishani waa camalka kaliya ee aadamuhu qabto, balse abaalmarintiisa, Ilaaha wayn ee waaxidka ahi isku kali yeelay. Waxa sidaa gaar loogu yeelay waa nooca cibaadada oo ah sir addoomaha iyo Allahood u dhexaysa.

Dadka aakhiradooda u meel dayaa, Quraan akhris iyo cibaadada oo la xoojiyo ayay  jadwalkooda meel sare kaga asteeyaan. Haa jadwalkooga maalinlaha ah ayay ka dhigaan mid u diyaarsan ka faa’iidaysiga bishan barakada badan. Waxay og yihiin in waqtigu ka mid yahay haynta ugu weyn ee aadamuhu hayo, gaar ahaan marka uu nabdoon yahay, caafimaad na hayo.

Masaakiinta ayay si gaar ah uga war hayaan, saa waxay fahmeen in gaajada soonka ku lammaani darsi ugu filan tahay diifta dadka danyarta ahi si joogto ah daris ula yihiin. Agoonta, socotada iyo qaraabada baahan ayay xil gaar ah iska saaraan.

Waxay fahmeen in bishu tahay bishii la is daryeelayay ee waxa la hayo- si walba oo uu u kooban yahay- wuxuun laga bixinayay. Waxay garteen in bishu tahay ta la rabo in la isa saamaxo oo aan uurka wax ba la iskugu qaban. Sow maaha bisha si ku celcelis ah loogu ducaysto, “Allow adigu ka wax cafiya ayaad tahay, jecel saamaxaadda ee na cafi”

In kaliya quudka la iska dhaafo, misana xumaanta la iska dhex dabbaasho inaan lagu kasban raali ahaanshaha Eebe ayay og yihiin. Hadalka xun, ka dani aanay ugu jirin iyo ficilka aan anfac lahayn ayay ka hadhaan. Xitaa marka kuwa dhacdhaca badani ku xadgudbaan, nafta way dabraan, waana kuwa ku gaabsada “Waan soomanahay”.

Ugu danbayn, mar horeba garatay baan filayaaye, bisha aan ka hadlaynaa waa bisha barakaysan ee Soonqaad. Inta bisha si dhab ah uga faa’iidaysata Allah ha inaga yeelo. Rabbi ha inaga dhigo, kuwa tobanka habeen ee u danbeeya guntiga dhiisha iskaga dhiga ee cibaadada ku mitida; kuwa qoysaskooda khayrka ku dhiirrigaliya ee ku dadaala tacab-wadareed liibaan raadis ah; kuwa u heellan la kulanka habeenka weyn ee aan kor kaga soo hadalnay, iyaga oo ku rajo weyn in soonkooda la aqbo, laguna daro liiska inta caddaabta laga xoreeyo.

Guul ka weyn miyaa jirta in nolosha danbe ee abadiga ah caddaabta lagaa fogeeyo.  Allow nagu dar liiska addoomahaaga naarta laga badbaadiyey. Aamiin

Saaxiibbo kala hadhi waayey

Cabdiqaadiir Cige Axmed iyo Mustafe Cabdi Xasan, Allah ha u naxariistee intii ay ifkan joogeen, waxay ahaayeen saaxiibo aad iyo aad iskugu dhaw. Labadooduba waxay ka mid ahaayeen arday marxalidihii kala duwanaa ee waxbarashadu na kulmisay. Cabdiqaadir dugsiga hoose ayaa mar na la wada qoray, sannado badan ka dibna tacliintii jaamacadeed ayaan mar kale ku kulanay. Mustafe isaga tacliinta sare ayaan iskugu nimid. Laba shakhsi oo la higsado, waxbarashadana loo daba fadhiisto ayay ahaayeen.

Dalka Pakistan ayuu Mustafe u diga rogtay si uu waxbarashada halkaas uga sii wato. Muddo kooban ka dib, labadooduba waxay u dhoofeen dalka UK oo ay deganaansho ka heleen. Waqtigaas oo dhan saaxiibo aad iskugu xidhan, wada tashada oo is xaal og bay ahaayeen. Shaqo wadaag ayay noqdeen oo waxay labaduba shaqo ka bilaabeen isla hal shirkad: Royal Mail.

Dabeecad ahaan, laba qof oo wax badan wadaaga ayay ahaayeen. Niman af gaaban, ixtiraam badan, Allah ka cabsi leh, dad jecel oo carrabkooga iyo addinkoogaba laga nabad galay ayay ahaayeen. Akhyaar wax badan og, adduun-arragoodu sarreeyo oo inta aad la fadhido aad wax ka korodhsanayso ayay ahaayeen.

Dadka faraha badan ee ay si uun iskugu xidhnaayeen ayaan ka mid ahaa. Si gaar ah ayaan labadaba sheeko wadaag iska war haya, guud ahaan u ahayn.

Ugu danbayn, qadarka Eebe, labadooduba waxay ku geeriyoodeen UK. Saddex sanno ayay na ifka ku kala dambeeyeen. Saddexdaas sanno ee uu Mustafe ka danbeeyey Cabdiqaadir, mar kasta oo aan wada hadalno, Cabdiqaadir afka kama uu dhigi jirin. Sheekadii la soo hadal qaadaba, Cabdiqaadir waa ku jiray. Labaduba waxay ku hoydeen cimriga aadamuhu ugu tamarta badan yahay.

Ilaahay ha u naxariisto oo ha u nuuro xabaasha saaxiibadan sina ku kala hadhi waayey. Sidii ay ifka jaal ugu ahaayeen, Allow ka yeel kuwo jannadanna jaar ku noqda. Inagana Rabbi ha inooga daba naxariisto. Aamiin.

WQ: Cabdiraxmaan Aadan Maxamuud 

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