Education and the Mid-Life Challenge: Make Plan to Re-ignite occupation fervor

Education Challenge

Socialization comes and starts from the house since we born in a 9 month in common as human being, we live and grew up with our families and capture the environment of the house that means we become familiar with the family and its links to relatives. However the chance and the opportunities we had is very little or in somewhat we all did not get the prospect we all need.

Our parents rush and took us in to schools in order to learn and take one step at once compared to our peer groups, we got chance to attend a formal education through schooling system because many children, may be 100 million children of primary school age, 60% of them girls are not enrolled in school in each year, many more are now untrained and independent teachers in overcrowded, unhealthy and poorly equipped classrooms, and one third of all children don’t complete five years of schooling, the minimum required for basic category.

Education is the key of the new global economy, for primary schools on up to life long learning, it is central to development, social progress and human freedom. Access to education is not enough, quality is just as important at present, many children have all practical purpose, illiterate, trained, committed and motivated teachers are not probably the most significant factors.

The list of causes why children lack possibilities of education presents a wide range of issues that are often lacked together, poverty basic major obstacle to a children’s right to education, parents is also another core issues of obstacle for children to go to schools, because they need them to work for the family and working in the fields, living day time does not fit the formal education system in addition some parents don’t recognize the value of education or they find the curriculum irrelevant and therefore reluctant to send their children to school.

Other parents encourage their girls get the opportunity to continue education after marriage. Some parents cannot afford to pay for school fees and school uniforms or can’t get their children to school because of long distance and unsafe travel to school for children affected armed conflict.

All in all Allah saved us from the un schooling system, for the time being our parents made possible us to learn and go/attend to school, even far beyond the primary school to University, may be through under the most difficult conditions, and this is the challenges that exist in everywhere with every era. This does not mean that we are relaxing but we have to struggle on how we utilize our limited resources more efficiently and more effectively, as to how we increase girls enrollments, children education both formal and non formal, or may be the little thing that we could do or contribute will be a great effect on how taking part education for all {Global Strategy}.

How we can reach this is to practice Blood Sweet and tears (to put forth, efforts and sacrifice to achieve an elusive goal) to eliminate tribalism and practice the theory of Dr. Suleiman Walhad, (let us think and act as individual, but not as a tribe), also not misunderstand the practice of individualism, as many people act currently, and that is the theory of selfishness but not individualism, Mr. Hassan is a good example, to help and sacrifice, helping your friend is like helping the whole society.

On the other hand, one question might be asked, about girl’s education, what are the causes for the girl’s low enrolment? There are a variety and tremendous reasons on girls education regarding on low enrollments; economic and financial difficulties is one core problem, Cultural biases is another nucleus obstacle, early marriage for the girls is a central constraints, lack of infrastructure for the schools, lack of girls friendly learning environment, domestic work and lack of female teachers, in addition to this, lack of health facilities, or perhaps shortage of water, or possibly lack to access to clean water in schools are also contributing to the factors of girls low enrollment.

All what we need is to build the house on the ground/foundation to the upward but not from upward to the foundation, let me draw your attention all what we do is to sacrifice the needy people, focus on children, girls education, all what we do is to feed our people not only our self’s, and this will come under the constructing our professional and career development, to have strong roots.

Moreover, the Ministry of Education of Somaliland has limited resources, and the actions to be taking is very little according to the reality on the ground, for instance ,the state parties agree that the education of the child shall be directed to the development of the child’s personalities, talents, mental and physical abilities to their fullest potential and yet there is no teacher education policy in Somaliland (good example is teachers smoke cigarette in class rooms while they are teaching students).

Nevertheless, education is not fully recognized as a right by duty perils, the infrastructure of the government is poor special rural areas, or may be resources of government allocation is very poor and little attention has been paid to teachers as professional.

Therefore girls should have the same opportunities as boys, children with disabilities should have the same possibility to lead a decent life as the more able, also children living in a remote rural areas should not have fewer opportunities than the children living in large urban areas and therefore all rights apply to all children without exception.

Mid Life Challenge

The word Soldier can be applied in different ways in different context, but the most meaning full of the current situation can be referred specifically to members of the army without officers commission, a soldier is a person who committed to defense his nation, people and the country against the enemy from other sources.

That is the meaning and the advantage of the Soldier and it would not be easy to became a soldier, unless you pay a prize to be a soldier, unless you put your time, effort, energy and money in to one place to be a soldier. But in contrast what is a Veteran because my friend Hassan is a veteran, {a soldier who has no longer services and practices in the army force}.

For one thing, no body will stop your career, it provides meaning and personal fulfillment either you have to recognize that some things are missing in your career and vocational life or taking the initiative to change must come from within (your behavior and Human relationship).

In other wards changing trends in the workforce are presenting new challenges for jobholders and seekers. Information age is another core issue of challenge because of two factors including rapidity and complexity, which are coming together, people are being asked to work at faster pace within increasingly complex situations.

Another challenge is the social interaction and human relationship, what is more is the building of effective team work, mutual respect, integrity and commitment is the core factors of success, for instance if you jump from one generation to another you will not be able to behave as normal since you are two step forward, about dating its big challenge, ladies will not be able to understand of what you are talking about because you are thinking and acting as an old man, that is way some guys are looking and around for housemates as a soul mate or friend from benefit, so again I am saying it is better to make changes for room for fresh new ideas or blow the cobwebs away.

More over in a recent investigation and examination to discover facts and figures about the career development, it has been found that many achievers who lose enthusiasm for their work, share common traits including their work has little connection to the things they really care about or may be they are very proud about the degrees they recently got from the Universities, although the sky is great and far reachable.

As part of this many people have came to know the need for improving and updating their career development, by identifying your/their current skills, knowledge, abilities, and interests, also identifying the new skills, knowledge, and experiences you would like to acquire and have, together with human connection it is important, IT is a fundamental matter of helping people through out the world.

Mohamed Farah
Hargeisa, Somaliland

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Mohamed,

It so marvelous to be your audence. I should have read your article earlier. Why thigs are like that when you do not have a time to play around the articles you have?


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