Handover of 86 Shelter Units Constructed for Returnees and Urban Poor in Hargiesa

A handing over ceremony of the 2nd batch of shelter units constructed for the returnees and urban poor in Hargeisa was held at Ayah II settlement on 24th January, 2008.The function was attended by officers of UN agencies, International Organizations; local NGO’s and project beneficiaries. Similarly, Ministries of Interior, Family Affairs and Social Development and Public Works and Housing attended the ceremony.

Filiep Decorte made some remarks, on behalf of UN-Habitat, the agency that carried out the construction of the houses, receiving financial assistance from Government of Japan. He praised the improvement that the beneficiareis have made in the Houses.He mentioned that the project was the outcome of a joint effort between the government, community and funding agencies. He also mentioned that lessons learnt from this project would be employed in future activities of similar nature.

Fosia Ahmed Ismael, representative of the community at Ayaha congratulated UN-Habitat for helping them find appropriate shelter facilities.While she applauded the good work done by the organizations involved in the project, she appealed to UN-Habitat and other funding agencies to strive for the construction of the remaining houses.
Omer Shekh, the Executive Director of HAVOYOCO, the local organization that trained the beneficiaries and carried out actual construction activities, expressed his delight and appreciation towards the completion of the project.He mentioned that as an indigenous organization, his organization felt more responsibility since the beneficiaries are their native brothers and sisters.

Mayor of Hargeisa town, Eng.Hussein Jiciir paid tribute to the organizations that contributed to the completion of the project such asUN- HABITAT, WFP, HAVOYOCO and the local community. Special tribute was paid to the Minister of Family Affairs for the exceptional efforts she has paid throughout the project implementation period. The mayor emphasized that the government would not tolerate and would take measures should the beneficiaries attempt to misuse the constructed shelter units or sell to third party.

Minister of Interior concluded the function by thanking UN-Habitat and other organizations that were involved in the process of finding appropriate shelter for the returnees and urban poor. He praised the UN agencies the marvelous job they have done and at the same time appealed to them to double thier efforts. He explained that Somaliland is just recovering from the impact of the war, and that thousands of its citizens are in dire need of appropriate shelter facilities. He urged the beneficiaries to take care the houses and keep them in good condition. Finally, the minister distributed certificates of appreciation to the individuals and organizations that contributed to project.

Abdirahman Adan

The Real Situation of Borama Municipality

This piece of writing is a scientific research which I have conducted recently, the sources of information is from of course different areas, including interviews with intellectuals and educated persons, UN reports and as well as observations from Borama Municipality

I am not a writer but in order our people to make use the fallout we generate, I came up with this excellent piece of script, its not a history, or a opinion rather it’s a tangible and precise research.

I am Abdi-Asis Sheikh Farah doing my undergraduate study at Universal Medical College in Addis Ababa. Needles to say we need to familiarize ideas and instruction already printed in the textbooks of Psychology and Philosophy explaining positive and negative attitudes, and as well as mentality, because you can find from the libraries in Saudi Arabia, Addis Ababa and of course in Amoud University.

Defining the problem, obtaining expert judgment, making research decision, formulating hypotheses, selecting a research design, preparing a sample frame, constructing a research instrument, editing, coding, tabulation, interpretation, testing the hypothesis, and making presentation is the process of developing an excellent piece of writings.

Borama Municipality is an autonomous agency. The role of the municipality is to develop and manage metropolitan and countryside sectors that are unable to be self-sufficient. However, development of Borama Municipality has been significantly hindered by its history of civil turbulence. As a result, social services are very weak in most of the main villages within the district and the municipality services have knowledgeable great difficulties in responding to the needs of the population concentrated in both rural and urban areas.

Although I am very much delighted the way every thing is going on at present in the region of Awdal, and would like to pay special gratitude to the Mayor of Borama Abdi Shide Bile who made possible and showed to our people how we can do every thing without getting much hand from outside. But on the other hand I am really very distress for the previous Mayors who destroy the whole system of Borama Local Government, and this formula is illustrating us that the community should nominate persons like the present Mayor for such kind of positions, because what I feel is the however, the prior system has not been operational for over 15 years and has negative impact on the town, for instance revenue collection was weak and recovery figures were also very low. Several revenue areas were not measured, collections were not executed correctly and it was found that many street vendors do not pay, financial systems were not correctly recorded, and there were no internal audits. . In the annual accounts, income and expenditure did not match deficit or savings. Overstaffing is a major obstacle for municipal agencies. As a result, overstaffing has reduced the mean salaries per month, per staff member. Employment is not allocated on merit but on a tribal basis. These dynamic and other contributing factors were the main reasons of the theory of backwardness by the Borama Municipality

On the other hand still there is a challenge that the new Mayor may came across, there is no effective registration of street vendors for daily collection or of their licenses and property for planning purposes This has consequences for work productivity. The Statistical and Planning unit is not functioning at present. Consequently, no baselines have been established and no needs assessments have taken place which would advise on how to advance the development process.
Improvement in social services in urban and rural sectors is consequently lacking. Social and Economic Factors Borama is considered to be one of the poorest urban settlement areas in Somaliland. The urban poor are the predominant socio-economic group in the town. Business settlers are mainly involved in petty trade and casual work. Recent surveys indicate that women engaged in petty trading on a daily basis earn household incomes. This has affected urban tax collection. The lack of a Statistical and Planning Unit has contributed to misadministration of the working mechanism of the Municipality. The establishment of this unit will improve and support the efficiency of the Municipality. The UN, EC and International Agencies are required to present a clear institutional framework to cope with the type of support that could be assisted and implemented in Borama district. This will help to streamline the various interventions of the International Agencies operating in the district.

To provide for the core principles, mechanisms and processes that are necessary to enable Borama municipality to move progressively towards the social and economic upliftment of local communities, and ensure universal access to essential services that are affordable to all; to define the legal nature of a municipality as including the local community within the municipal area, working in partnership with the municipality’s political and administrative structures; to provide for the manner in which municipal powers and functions are exercised and performed; to provide for community participation; to establish a simple and enabling framework for the core processes of planning, performance management, resource mobilization and organizational change which underpin the notion of developmental local government; to provide a framework for local public administration and human resource development; to empower the poor and ensure that Borama municipality put in place service tariffs and credit control policies that take their needs into account by providing a framework for the provision of services, service delivery agreements and municipal service district; to provide for credit control and debt collection; to establish a framework for support,, monitoring and standard setting systems in order to progressively build local government into an enticement, frontline development agency capable of integrating the activities of municipality for overall social and economic upliftment of communities in harmony with their local natural environment; to provide for legal matters pertaining to local government; and to provide for matters incidental thereto। The truth of the matter is the new system of local government, which requires an efficient, effective and transparent local public administration that conforms to constitutional principles;

Whereas there is a need to set out the core principles, mechanisms and processes that give meaning to developmental local government and to empower municipality of Borama to move progressively towards the social and economic strengthen of communities and the provision of basic services to all our people, and specifically the poor and the disadvantaged;

To make my long story short, I want to be grateful with the praiseworthy Mayor of Borama for his accomplishment, UN-habitat for its support of urban planning in the town and for its continuous training to the staff of Borama Municipality. Along the lines of this I am also thanking to individuals for their outstanding contribution and organizations like Amoud Foundation for their concrete efforts for funding projects like, Health, Droughts and Al-Hayat Hospital in the region. I am also obliged to individuals who contribute their skills and their piece of writings to publicize the needs of the region.

Finally, as good if not better then, I am also going to take this opportunity to show appreciation my older brother Mohamed Sheikh Farah, who without his support I could have never been attempt to write this article, for his support of paying tuition fees for the University I am studying and living allowances. My Allah gives you the reward of this al of you.

Abdi-Asis sheikh Farah
Universal Medical College
Department of Pharmacology
Pharmacist Technician

Taariikh Nololeedkii Abwaan Xasan Sh।Muumin Gorod oo kooban iyo Qeybo ka Mid ah Suugaantiisii Qiimiga Badnayd.

Taariikhda Xasan Sheekh Muunin Waa taariikh nool, Amaantiisuna maaha tii dhimashada Ee waa tii dhabta ahayd.

Martibaan ku nahay

Oo adduun maalmo lagu sheeg

।Qof waliba waa malag suge,

Oo mowd la huriwaaye,

Maantana mallaga meershay

Macalinkii weynaa

Bye Jawhar

Bisinkaan ku bilaabay.
ALAAHU AKBAR: Alle ha unaxriistee Abwaan Xasan Sheekh Muumin wuxu ka mid ahaa odayaasha ugu fac iyo magaca weyn fanka Somalida.Wuxu ahaa Philosopher iyo abwaan isku jira.Wuxu ahaa taariikh yahan ku xeel dheer dhaqamada khaasatan qoomiyadaha ku dhaqan Afrikada bari. Abwaan Xasan sh.Muumin wuxu ahaa maskaxdii dunidoo malaasan.Xaqiiqdii waa Maktabad ka gubatay umadda Af-soomiga ku hadasha.Ilaahay samir iyo iimaan ha inaga siiyo dhammaanteen isagana Eebbe Janadii haka waraabiyo.Amiiiiiiiiiiiin

Marxuumku isagoo nool waxay Soomalidu isku raacday inuu yahay Abwaanka Abwaanada iyo astaanta suugaanta Soomalida taas oo uu ku muteystay cabqarinimadii iyo hibadii uu ulahaa fanka iyo suugaanta।

Abwaan Xasan Sheekh Muumin oo aan odhan karno wuxu ahaa macalin loo soo saaray umada afka soomaliga ku hadasha, waxaynu ku xasuusan doonnaa suugaantii dhaxal galka ahayd ee uuinooga tegay oynaan weligeen dhamayn doonin।

Hadii alaha awooda lihi ogolaado waxa la ururin doonaa oo daabacaad lagu samayn doonaa wixii suugaantiisii ka mid ahaa ee aan qornayn marka laga reebo riwaayadii qiimaha badnayd ee Shabeel naagood oo iyadu nasiib uheshay inay noqoto riwaayad soomaliyeed oo la qoro tii ugu horeysay।Murtida iyo macnaha ay riwaayadaasi xambaarsanayd iyo xigmadihii ku jirey ee abwaanka maskaxdiisa kasoo burqaday waxay noqdeen qaar cilmi ahaan loo barto,si taasi usuurto gasho waxa lagu qorey luqada koowaad ee xiligan (engllish).

Hadii allaha awooda lihi ogolaado waxa marxuumka loo samayn doonaa munaabad weyn oo lagu xuso taariikh nololeedkiisii iyo halkii uu kaga jiray fanka Soomaliyeed.Amaanta Marxuum Xasan Sheekh Muumin maaha tii dhimashada ee waa tii dhabtii sidaas awgeed qalin kuma soo koobi karno maanta oo kali ah ee waxay ubaahantahay madal iyo munaasabad wayn oo lagu xuso.
Alle ha unaxariistee abwaan xasan Sheekh Muumin wuxu nasiib uyeeshay dhowr amuurood oo la xidhiidha fanka iyo doorkiisa oo aan lala wadaagin।

1- Wuxu wax ka jiley riwaayadii ugu horeysay ee dalka Somaliya lagu dhigo.
2- Wuxu lahaa riwaayadii lagu furey Tiyaatarka wayn ee muqdisho((National Theatre)
3- Wuxu allufay riwaayadii u horeysay ee la qoro.
4- Wuxu allifay riwaayadii noqotey horyaalka riwaaydaha Soomlida। 5- Wuxu lahaa heesta astaanta riwaayadaha Somaliya (Halkan waxad utimaadeen caawaad naga helaysaan) 6- Wuxu ahaa abwaankii Sameeyey heesta astaanta ee calanka Somaliland.

Abwaanka waxan ku xasuusan doonnaa Murtidii,Maaweeladii,Maansadii,Mullaaxdii,Midhihihii Miiddii iyo mahadhooyinkii uu macalinka inoogu ahaa iyo waliba sugantiisii cusleyd iyo riwaayadihii qiimiga badnaa ee uu allufay।Sida:Riyawaayadihii ay ka mid ahaayeen Hubsiimo Hal baa la siistaa, Shabeel-naagood, Gaaraabidhaan,Ehelunaarka Adduunka,Dunidu maskaxdey magan u tahay

Alla ha unaxariistee abwaan Xasan Sheekh Muumin Gorod Wuxu ku dhashay magaalada Boorama 1930kii halkaas oo uu ku barbaaray kana bilaabay waxbarashadiisii aasaasiga ahayd।Abwaan Muumin wuxu noloshiisa inta badan ku soo qaatay Somaliya.

Fiiro gaar ah:Sidaan cinwaanka ku xusnay qormadani waa taariikh kooban oon ka wada turjumi karin noloshiisii: Sanadkii 1968- 1976kii wuxu hal abuur iyo daadiye ka noqday Radio Muqdisho,wuxu samayn jirey barnaamujkii caanka ahaa ee hidaha iyo dhaqanka Somaliyeed।Wuxu ka mid ahaa shaqaalihii wasaarada waxbarashada iyo barbaarinta.Abwaan Xasan sheekh Muumin wuxu maareeye guud ka noqday golaha murtida iyo madadaalada ee Hargeysa.

Abwaan Muumin wuxu dabayaaqadii todobaatanaadkii suugaan baaris utegay machadka "Institut Superieur d’Etudes et de recherche Scienntifiques" oo ku yaal Dalka Jabuuti।Maansadii faraha badnayd ee uu abwaanku afllifay waxa dadweynaha loogu soo gudbin jiray idaacadda ama masraxa.

Abwaan Xasan Sh।Muumin wuxu ahaa qof macaan oo shakhsiyad leh,ehelu karam ah.Anigu abwaanka lama soo macaamilin oo isku maqaam iyo isku mileyba mannaan ahayn,marka laga reebo aragti iyo aqoon guud oon isku lahayn.Hadaan laga tegin sanadkii udanbeeyey noloshiisa ayaan xidhiidh telefoon oo joogto ah la lalahaa si aan wax uga korodhsado.

Run ahaantii wuxu iisoo dhaweyn jirey sidii wiilkiisa oo kale aniguna waxan xidhiidhkiisa u xiiseyn jirey si wayn।Waayo wuxu ahaa Philosopher maqaam sare kaga jira bulshada oo cilmi rabaani ah la cokan.Dhanka kalana wuxu nagala qeyb qaadan jirey hawsha qaadhaan ururinta iyo qeylo dhaanta ah ee ururka Gurmad ugu jiro dhismaha garoonka loogu magac daray isagoo qayb libaax ka qaatay dhiirri galinta iyo dhaqaajinta hawsha garoonka.Abwaanku wuxu nagala soo qeyb gali jirey kulamada telefoonka( Teleconfernce)

Abwaanka waxa qorshaha ugu jirtay inuu wadamo badan oo yurub ka mid ah iyo wadanka Amerikaba socod kusoo maro si uu muxaadarooyin ama lucture uga jeediyo.
Abwaanku Wuxu ku talo jirey inuu Ka jawaabo su’aalihii sarbeebta ahaa ee xikmadda wayn ku fadhiyey ee ku jirey riwaayadiisii Shabeel naagood।Kuwaas oo uu iisheegay inuu 40 sano ka hor dadweynaha waydiiyey.

Waxa kale oo uu iishegay abwaanku inuu diyaariyey riwaayad uu ugu magacdarey Nabi Daayeer iyo qaar kale. Isku soo wada duuboo tii Allaa ka sokeysay" Hamatul baciid mowtul qariib"
Alle ha unaxariistee abwaanku Arbaca Jan-16-2008।Abaara 7:00 fiidnimo saacada yurub wuxu ku geeriyooday caasimada dalka Norwey ee Oslo.

Abwaan Xasan sheekh Muumin wuxu ka mid ahaa macalimiintii fanka dhidibada u taagay wuxu ahaa Hal abuur,Fanaan,jilaa,gabayaa, Ganacsade,iyo Macalin aad looga ixtiraamo bulshada dhexdeeda.Sida taariikhdu xustay Abwaan Muumin wuxu fanka bilaabay isagoo yar,wakhtigii gobanimo doonka heesihii ugu horeeyey ee uu kaga qayb galay oo ahaa bilowgii iyo baraarujintii gobanimada waxay ahayeen kuwo Af carabi iyo Afsomali isugu jira.Hees wadani ah
1)-Yaa ayuuha soomaliyu
Saluu calaa Nabi wa aalihii wasaxbihii Yaa taabical wadanii। Nin islaana oo Aqalkuu lahaa Eeyar loogu soo galayoo,Iiga baxa yiri baan ahayoo Aflagaado loo rogayee.

Abwaan Xasan Sheekh Muumin wuxu jilaa ka noqday Riwaayadii ugu horeysay ee laga dhigey goboladii waqooyi ee soomaliya (Somlilnad) iy guud ahaaba Soomaliya Riwaayadaas oo la oran jiray Qaadi Mowlaana waxana lagu dhigay Af-carabi.Riwaayadaa waxa sameeyey abwaan Bullaale Boorama.Riwaayada Qaadi Mowlaana waxa laga dhigay magaalooyinka Hargeysa iyo Burco.
Abwaan Xasan Sheekh Muumin wuxu lahaa suugaan aad u tiro badan iyo waliba sheekooyin xiiso leh। Anigu ma soo koobi karo hadii aan kun maalmood qalinka kor uhayo.Laakiin inta aan ka xasuusto bal aan qaar ka mid ah soo qaadano.

2)- Aqoon la’aani waa iftiin la’aane waa aqal iyo ileys la’aane Ogaada ogaada dugsiyada ogaada!Oo aada oo aada wlaalayaal oo aada!Waa oomanaa iyo abaare, Omos iyo oon biyo la’aaneOgaada, ogaada dugsiyada ogaadaOo aada oo aada walaalayaal oo aada.Indhaha aan kala qaadnee,Ifka aan ugu ilbaxsanaaneeOgaaga ogaada dugsiyada ogaadaOo aada oo aada walaalayaal oo aada.
(Heestan Waxa allifay Xasan sheekh Muumin 1961kii.Waxa ku luuqeyn jirey Alle ha unaxariistee hoobalkii weynaa ee Cabdilaahi Qarshe). 3)- Wakhtigu waa hillaac ordayee
Aad u dheeho intaad yartahooEreygaad barataad akhridaaAnfaca, Anfaca abidkaaye ogowKa adkow,Ka adkowDugsigaaga ka adkow darsigaaga ka adkow! (Waa murtidii,waa midhihii,waa mullaaxdii iyo maansadii Ilaahay ha unaxariistee Xasan Sheekh Muumin waana hees ardeyda ku baraarujinaysa tacliinta iyo dadaalka)।

4)- Waxaan ahay waadiga dugsiyadaa Waxaaan ahay waanada macalinkaaWaagii baryaba, Ubax laga waraabshooWaxan ku warwereynaa Wadankiina wax ubartaOo xambaraara wajibkiisa Wahsan mayno Waaban maynoWarwareegi mayno Weec weecan mayno Guul wacan Cadow ka waabtoNolol wanaagsan iyo barwaaqoNabad lagu wadaagoHaku waaro wadankeennu Waddankeennu waa Wadnihii jidhkeenaWaraabinaayey dhiigoo Waan ku wardiyeynaa। Waxan wacad ku qaadnay Gayigiina wax ubarta Oo ka jira waxyeelada ।Ma dhamaystirna heestani (heestan waxa miraheeda curiyey Xasan Sheekh Muumin 1970kii।Waxa ku luuqeyn jirey Alla ha unaxariistee Abwaan Maxamed Mooge)

5)- Waa madal hadhweyniyoCeeel maaxanaayee Macalinkeen Allow kaal Maskaxda iyo maankiyo Waa ka muruqa laylyeeMacalinkeen Allow kaal Dunidoo madow ooMugdi iyo cabsi lehOo mici ku dhiigliyo Masdilaa ay joogaanWaa ka marinka nuureeMinan janno Allow geeMidho Janno Allow siiMacalinkeen Allow kaal

(Heestan waxa curiyey Abwaan Xasan sheekh Muumin.Waa hees ardayda dugsi quraanka dhigataa ay qaadi jireen oo caan ah).
6)- Ereyada an kuu qoroQumaati uga bogooFartii qalaad ha moodinCarrabku qaldi maayeeSidii caanaha qudh-qudhiya! Murtideenii quusateeaawanayd quruxsanaaSumadda loo qalqaaliyeeLagu qorey qummanaaMaantuu qabweyn iyo Qosolku ii xalaal yahayooMaanku iqaboobayaaQalinkaaga ii dhiib!

Ereyada an kuu qoro Qumaati uga bogoFartii qalaad ha moodinCarrabku qaldi maayeesidii caanihii qudh-qudhiyaSidii caanihii qudh-qudhiya (Heestu ma dhamaystirna)
Heestan waxa miraheeda curiyey abwaan Xasan Sheekh Muumin1972kii oo ahayd xiligii lagu dhawaaqay qoraalka afka hooyo

7)- Marxab marxabYaa RamadaanWa yaa marxaban bika Yaa Ramadaan
Bishii magaceedu bilaha umudnaaMacbuudku amaanay yaa RamadaanMarxab marxabYaa Ramadaan
Miskiin iyo taajir bishii la misoobayIslaamku midoobay yaa RamadaanMarxab marxabYaa Ramadaan
Sidii mayey hoorey Bishii mu’miniintaKa maydhay dunuubta Yaa RamadaanMarxab marxabyaa Ramadaanwa ayaa marxaban bikaYaa Ramadan (heesani ma dhamaystirna)
Heestani waxay ka mid tahay heesaha laqaado wakhtiga soonka ah।Aadbay muslimiinta soomani ugu raaxaystaan marka fananiintu isku jiibinyaan.Heesta waxa miraheeda allifey Alle ha unaxariistee abwaan Xasan Sh.Muumin 1965 waxana ku luuqeyn jirey isla abwaanka sameeey.

8)- Dadkaaga dhinac ka raacHooy,hooy dhinac ka raacYaanad limine dhinac ka raac। Heestu madhamaystirna(Xasan sheekh Muumin)

8-Dab iy dhagax La islkuma dhiftee Kala dhawraay ( Waa murtidii Xasan Sheekh Muumin)
9)- Reer guuraayiyoGabadh tima tidcaniWaa waxa dadkeena Ugaarahee la inagu gartaa,Maantey galadi noo toostayeGabanimadayada Guullow adkee (waa midhihii Xasan sh.Muumin)
10-Dadweynahaan hanuuninaa
Haasaawinaa, Danta u hagnaaMa hagranee waan u hawl gallaa! (Waa midhihii iyo mullaaxdii Xasan Sh.Muumin) tixdan gaaban wuxu abwaanku ku muujinayey kaalinta ay abwaanada iyo fanaaniintu ka qaataan dhismaha dalka iyo horumarinta.
11)- Gorayadu ilmaheedaAroobibay dhigtaayooAboodigu ku laayaaShimbirtuna aroos ay ila xidhooAmaanabay ubadkeeda seexisaaKala awran labaduye Edebtiyo aqoontiyo Asluubtay isku dhaafeen! ।Heestani ma dhamaystirna (Allow kuu naxariiso waxa curiyey Xasan sheekh Muumin)। Waxa ku luqeysa fanaanada wayn ee Hibo Nuura.

12- Walaalaha hanuunsanowWaan idinla haynaaHalkan waxad utimaadeenOon hagar lahaynCaawaad naga helaysaanCaawaad naga helaysaan! (Waa midhihii Xasan sheekh Muumin)Heestani waa heestii muftaaxa ahayd waa halku dhigii riwaayadaha soomaalida ee marka ay fananintu masraxa soo istaagaan ay qaadi jireen ama ilaa imikaba ay qaadaan। Ilaahybaa mahadleh fari kama qodna fanka Xasan Sh।Muumin intaasina waxan odhankaraa waa hordhac।Waxa inoo xigi doona Xabaala qodka iyo murtidiisii Dab dhaxmooday oo aynu iyada tixgalin gaar ah siin doonno hadii Ilaah yiraa Fadlan wixii aad ka heyso Murtidii,Maansadii,Mullaaxdii,Miiddii,iyo Midhihii Marxuum Xasan Sheekh Muumin kusoo hagaaji emailkan (

korwaayeel@hotmail.com) Waxa soo diyaariyey
Mudane Jawhar Cabdisamad Qalinle
Gurmad coordinator
Email: korwaayeel@hotmail.com



Maamulka Mareegaha Horusocod.blogspot.com waxa uu tacsi u gudbinayaa qoyskii, qaraabadii, ehelkii, asxaabtii iyo dhamaan umada ku hadasha Af-ka Soomaaliga ee Abwanku ka baxay.
Allah ha u naxariistee Abwaanku waxa uu ahaa foolaadka fanka Somaliyeed iyo bud-dhigayaashii suugaanta casriga ah ee Umada ku hadasha Af-ka Soomaaliga। Waxa uu ahaa mufakir iyo faylasuuf aragti fog oo umada uu la nool yahay ku hoga tusaaleeya suugaan hodan ah oo ay ku dheehan tahay aqoon fog oo uu lahaa Af-ka Somaliga. Mahadhooyinkii marxuumka waxa ka mid ahaa Riwaayada Soomaliyeed ee kaliya ee af shisheeye lagu tarjumay, waa masrixiyadii caan baxday ee “Shabeel Naagood”

Alla ha u naxariistee marxuumka waxa maskaxdiisa ka soo maaxatay su’aalaha hoga-tusaaleynta hal-xidhaaleysan ah ee ay ka mid yihiin: DAB DHAXMOODAY, DAWO BUKOOTAY, DUR DUR OOMAY IYO DUFAN BASAASAY! Waa murti u taagan tilmaanta iyo toosinta cid walba oo kaalintii looga fadhiyey gabtay.
Allah ha u naxariisto Marxuumka, janadii fardawsana ha ka waraabiyo, umada Somaliyeed ee uu ka baxayna samir iyo iimaan ha ka siiyo.

Abdirahman Adan

Borama Municipality Confirmed the Construction of 2km Highway in Side the Town


Somaliland declared itself as a separate independent country in 1991, but International recognition is yet elusive for Somaliland। It still is considered a region of Somalia, however Somalia continues to be plagued by conflicts amongst different clan and militia groups, and has not legitimate government।
Somaliland has arduously formulated its independent constitution and Government and has moved ahead with peace and development initiatives। It is undoubtedly a most unusual circumstance for a country। Whatever the current status, historically Somaliland was very much connected to Somalia, and they share a common history.

Somalia as a nation state is a 20th century phenomenon, earlier it comprised of large clans residing in the geographical area governed by their own clan norms and values। The clan structure and affiliations have historically dominated, and continue to do so, the socio-cultural and political canvass of Somalia. During the colonial era different regions of Somalia were either occupied or colonized by different European countries. Given their strategic interest in the port of Aden, the Northern part became the Protectorate of the British, the French captured former French Somaliland (now the Republic of Djibouti), the Italians moved into southern Somalia in 1893, and the Ethiopian emperor, Menelik annexed the western Somalia in the late 19th century.

Depending on the political interest of the colonizing countries, the administrative and development approach differed in each of these regions। The physical and administrative infrastructure in each of these regions therefore differed vastly. The syndrome of somewhat illogical mergers or divisions, that accompanied many a colonies independence applied to Somalia too. In June 1960 the Somali Republic was established by merging the Italian `Trust Territory’ and the British Protectorate. At its independence the Somalia Republic had inherited, the clan and the colonies politics, a situation hardly conducive to Nation building.

The initial years after independence were therefore characterized by internal tensions, coupled with the feeble and relatively unsuccessful attempts of the new government towards governance and nation building। In 1969 General Mohamed Siad Barre, overthrew the civilian Government and established a Government, which professed scientific socialism and lasted till 1991. Although there were some positive steps taken during these years, the Barre years were characterized by favoritism and partisan clan based politics on one hand, on the other hand it became involved in the cold war politics.

As a matter of fact, neither Somalia nor Somaliland –an independent state but not recognized yet has not been improved the structural elements that provide the framework supporting an entire structure mainly roads due to lack of resources and civil wars।

The Situation of the Roads
The major roads are very poor condition despite the constructed road by Italian and Chinese during the previous Government of Said Bare। The worst area include the northwest region of Awdal, which has been remained as a forgotten region in terms of developmental programs for both grants from World Bank & other donors through the governments of Somalia and Somaliland, the major roads that join Borama to other main parts of the region remained very deprived। It is quite funny to note that Borama has good strategic and geographical location hence there are poor infrastructure, which has impacted the business of the town। This has a philosophical consequence on the town since the movement of trade is no longer promising।

The Landscape of the Town
On the other hand, central Borama town is well laid out, but recent developments on the periphery appear unplanned. The District itself is slowly recovering from civil unrest and subsequently the provision of public utilities has suffered. Borama has road links with other districts in the region. The two major links are to Hargeisa and to Djibouti through Zeila. There is a constant flow of traffic on these two roads, about 30km of Hargeisa-Borama road is unluckily very rough. Another road runs between Borama, Baki and Lughaya. Other economically important roads include those through Borama to Ethiopia. Many of the roads have however been eroded by run off water from the surrounding mountains, and the roads are generally in poor condition. Thus, transportation costs are high and these costs have impacted significantly on the economic growth of Borama town.

Diaspora people play significant role and made impressive progress for contributing to their homeland, initially this people worked very hard and supported in the educational activities for Amoud University, and thought-provoking primary educations। Furthermore, funding health projects was also such remarkable success though the roads were less prioritized at that time.

Dreams of Dilla-Borama Road
Additionally, movements began in cohorts and many people come to dream, and I believe that every body living in Borama who has sense of dreaming can dream the construction of Dilla-Borama road, but the matter is how the dreams can be put in to action, the poor infrastructures mentioned in the above paragraph have resulted fortunately the formation of Awdal Roads Network Association led by Abdirahman Mohamoud Muse and Abdikadir Aden Nour।

Friends of Development Forum
On top of this, we as a Friends Development forum (a body of young concerned intellectuals through out the world) established on February 2007, want to play a major role in supporting to ARNA in the implementation of its program, the formation of this forum was to develop a project proposal for the poor roads of Awdal region, the idea of this was initiated by Abdirahman Aden a first batch graduate of Amoud University and a humanitarian development worker of UN-Habitat, after being developed an article entitled Borama Dark dots (you can find this article from http://www.horusocod.blogspot.com/) this article has upshot to discuss and analyze and further the establishment of this forum has been introduced।

In addition to this the forum who were from all over the world have taking place the discussion through Google groups, the participants were also very engaged and interested about the construction of Dilla-Borama road, and letter presented the prioritized needs assessment। Some of the participants were Mr. Ridwan Osman, Mukhtar H. Maidene who was the facilitator of the forum, A/rahman Aden, Ahmed Yasin, Yurub A/rahman, A/lahi Mead Hori, Sa’ed M. Dahir, Moh’ed Farah, Wais Kasim, Mahdi Omer Sheikh and so on. More over Mohamed Barkhad Riyale who works with UNHCR was also an active member for this group.

The group has presented several times the need for construction of Dilla-Borama road in a written form and familiarized this idea। Fortunately the council of Borama district under the leadership of the Mayor of Borama A/rahman has made enormous achievement about the on hand construction of Borama road, the two kilometers highway in side the town is about to complete and this is a significant forward step.

One of the notable promises is that the local contributions already started by the communities including the businessman, a good example of this is TELESOM Company managed by A/kadir Aden Nour, the Vice Chairman of ARNA। Also there is a great need for contribution of International communities, international organizations, UN-agencies and Somali Landers where ever they are, to play a major role for this ongoing activities.

Bibliography of ARNA Chairperson
Doubt is the beginning of wisdom But Faiths will move mountains; here below is brief information about Abdi rahman Mohamoud Muse, currently the Chairman of Awdal Road Network Association। Abdi was born in Borama in 1950; he completed his elementary and intermediate education at Borama, while his high school was 1st July in Hargeisa। He finished his BSc Degree in Somali National University in 1974 majoring Chemistry। After a year or two in national service (being a teacher at high schools in different locations in Somalia) he left the country to Saudi Arabia where he had stayed until 1982। In that year he returned to Djibouti and resided there as a prominent businessman in Djibouti।

In 1985 he returned to Borama and started some businesses there। By this time, he was among the few educated men living in Borama as most of the academics were living in Mogadishu and Hargeisa. In 1986 he was a member of the founding members of the first local NGO (GUUS) to be established in Borama. GUUS was also among the first 5 NGO’s established throughout Somalia. Since then he carried out many rehabilitation activities in Awdal region. In 1997 he became an active member of Amoud University Technical Support Committee where he played very effective role in making Amoud a success institution in higher learning. Similarly, he was a member of the academics who introduced the alien concept Public-Private Partnership and as such founded SHABA Water Agency, where he is a member of its BOD. In the late of 1990s he also served as the Chairperson of Awdal Health Board. Later on he founded another NGO called SPSDRA that operates some parts of Awdal and Hargeisa regions. The organization is affiliated with IFAD and carries out soil and water conservation programs. He was the Agent of Idiris Muhumed Sa’ad, the founder of Rays Hotel and carried out the construction of that five-star Hotel on behalf of the owner. Now, he is an active member of local businessman who are attempting to replicate the success of SHABA to other sectors and trying to bring together the power supply companies in Borama to provide better and affordable services.

Last but not the least, he was elected the chairperson of AWDAL ROADS NETWORK ASSOCIATION, a post that he currently holds। Considering to his previous experience and implementing successful projects, I believe on the other hand that he can significantly exceed the requirements for such activities to be carried.

Recommendations Finally I have made the following recommendations if it is acceptable:

* Ongoing support to the road administrations is crucial and must be based on output driven achievements rather than the already over stated theoretical planning.
* Implementation of solutions for the previously identified needs is important.
* A clear definition and assessment of the supervisory requirements must be formulated to prevent unforeseen expenditure during the construction.
* Objectives must be aimed at economically and financially viable, socially acceptable and environmentally sound goals.
* Any future civil works components must extend to include the impact on overall road sector planning and maintainability and not just emergency type actions.
* A major area of focus for ensuring sustainability would be in relation to control of overloading, which appears to be a serious problem and will negatively affect all road repair actions, if not controlled.
* Dedicated road funding must be at a level, which is not disproportionate to funds available for other essential social services, including health and education.
* T he need for further assistance towards institutional development and road sector management must be set against definite conditions for assistance.
* Detailed investigation and formulation of engineer’s detailed cost estimates and the formulation of works-applicable appropriate specifications must be included in any future infrastructure projects.
* Broader based stakeholder inputs, in determining the needs and requirements of any future programmes, should be considered prior to finalization of institutional structures and civil works being initiated।

Mohamed Farah
Hargeisa, Somalilandmfesultan@gmail.com
Email: suldaan22@hotmail.co

Studying in Uganda “Live to learn, you will learn how to live” Part I


My aim of writing this article is to encourage the students who are willing to study in Uganda, both either under graduate and postgraduate, and also to give a brief background on the Ugandan leading universities especially the historical background; admission requirment, major faculties, schools, and institiutes; students and accomodation among others।

I have also given contact address of each university so that you can easily contact any university that you wish either by phone or email।

Uganda at Glance

The Republic of Uganda is a landlocked country in East Africa, Uganda has access to several large water bodies, including Lake Victoria, Lake Albert, Lake Kyoga and Lake Edward । Uganda is bordered on the east by Kenya, the north by Sudan, on the west by the Democratic Republic of the Congo, on the southwest by Rwanda, and on the south by Tanzania. The southern part of the country includes a substantial portion of Lake Victoria, within which it shares borders with Kenya and Tanzania. Uganda has substantial natural resources, including fertile soils, regular rainfall, and sizeable mineral deposits of copper and cobalt. The country has largely untapped reserves of both crude oil and natural gas. Agriculture is the most important sector of the economy, employing over 80% of the work force, with coffee accounting for the bulk of export revenues.

Although English and Swahili are used as national languages however some of the local languages are widely spoken in which may include: Luganda, Lusoga, and Runyankore। Uganda has a population of 27 millin of whom 78% of them are Christians; 16% are Muslims; 1% Traditional Religions and 0.7 % are Hindus.

In what way Uganda Education system is different compared to us (Somaliland)?
The system of education in Uganda has a structure of 7 years of primary education, 6 years of secondary education (divided into 4 years of lower secondary and 2 years of upper secondary school), and 3 to 5 years of post-secondary education compared to ours which is 8 years of primary and 4 years of secondry।

In other words for those countries who have taken the system of 4:4:4 i।e 8 years of primary and 4 years of secondry has an O’level Education System compared to those who have taken the system of 7:4:4 i.e 7 years of primary, 4 years of secondry, and 2 years of upper secondry school i.e Advanced Level or A’level in short.

Getting admission from Ugandan universities?

In general Uganda universities admit the foreign students who are seeking higher education in Uganda provided that she or He has fullfilled the admision requirement of the university। Some of these admission requirements may include:

• At least an "O" level Certificate or and equivalent qualification (secured at the same sitting) and
• At least two principle passes at "A" level or an equivalent qualification (secured at the same sititing)
• Applicants should note that to be eligible for admission, the last examination must have been sat during the year in which admission is being sought or not more than two years previously.
• At its discretion and on the advise of the Academic Unit concerned, the University may consider for admission to a degree Programme a candidate with only "O" Level qualifications provided that he/she has been registered at another University (prior to applying), for a Degree Programme and has successfully completed at least one year of University education. They must however submit the University transcript(s).
• Those students who have only O’level certificate must go through Access Program whose period ranges from 6 month to years depending the university.
• Those students who are having diploma from the recongised institution will be directly admitted to the degree program if the candidate selects relevant course.
• For Master degree, a good degree with minimum GPA of 3.6 and above from a recognized institution is required.

Universities in Uganda
Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU)

Background: the university is strongly based on the teachings of Islam in which all students both Muslims and non-Muslims have to fulfill। The university was started on the premises of Nkoma Secondary School, opening doors to students on February 10, 1988 with 80 students। It is a private international university established by the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC).

The University is home to over 2400 students. Some students come from neighboring countries including Sudan, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and so many other counties outside the Eastern Africa.Location. IUIU has two campuses. The main campus is at Nkoma, 2km from Mbale town on Kumi Road. The Kampala campus is at Kibuli PTC. There is also an external centre at Lira Town College, Lira for Bachelor of Education (External) and Diploma in Primary Education.
Accommodation: all girls sleep on the campus। Some 1,000 boys are also on-campus residents, but other males rent private apartments in the neighborhood of the university. Faculties1. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences2. Faculty of Education3. Fac. of Islamic Studies and Arabic Language4. Faculty of Law5. Faculty of Science6. Faculty of Management studies Contact: The Academic RegistrarIUIU Mbale Campus,P.O Box 2555 Mbale - UGANDATel: +256 35 512100Fax: +256 (0)45 33502/34452E-mail:

Makerere University

Background: The University was established in 1922 as a technical school and pioneered with 14 students studying carpentry, building and mechanics. It expanded over the years to become a Center for Higher Education in East Africa in 1935. In 1937, the College developed into an institution of higher education, offering post-school certificate courses.
In 1949, it became a University College affiliated to the University College of London। In 1963, it became the University of East Africa, offering courses leading to general degrees of the University of London. Seven years later, it transformed into an autonomous university. It is located on Makerere hill, about 5km north of Kampala city center. It covers an area of 300 acres.

Makerere was home to many post-independence African leaders, including former Ugandan president Milton Obote and retired Tanzanian president Julius Nyerere। Former Tanzanian president Benjamin Mkapa and current Kenyan president Mwai Kibaki are also Makerere alumni.

In the years immediately after Ugandan independence, Makerere University was a focal point for the literary activity that was central to African nationalist culture। Some prominent writers, including Nuruddin Farah, Ali Mazrui, David Rubadiri, Okello Oculi, Ngugi wa Thiongo, John Ruganda, Paul Theroux, and Peter Nazareth, were at Makerere University at one point in their writing and academic careers. Student Population Over 30,000 undergraduates and 3,000 postgraduates. There are five halls of residence for male students, three for females and one unisex for postgraduate students. The University has 22 faculties/institutes/schools offering day, evening and external study programmes.

Faculties• faculty of Agriculture • Faculty of Arts • Faculty of Computing and Information Technology • Faculty of Economics and Management • Faculty of Forestry and Nature Conservation • Faculty of Law• Faculty of Medicine• Faculty of Science • Faculty of Social Sciences • Faculty of Technology• Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and animal production Institutes• Institute of Adult and Continuing Education• Institute of Environment and Natural Resources • Institute of Social Research• Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics and Psychology
• School of Education • School of Industrial and Fine Arts • School of Library and Information Science • Business School• Graduate School
ContactAddressP.O.BOX 7062Kampala, UgandaTel: (256-41) 532631-4/540436http://www.makerere.ac.ug/

In part II, we shall look at the following:• Kampala International University (KIU)• Kyambogo University• Mbarara university of Science and Technology• Nkumba University• AOB
Ayaanle Mohamed Omar
KIU, Kamapala, Uganda
Email: Ayanle97@hotmail.com

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