How does AI impact our everyday life!

Photo credit: Daily Nation

The human innovation and creativity is on perpetual rise; always taking new heights; reaching new levels. Propelled by the technological advancements, it creates new ways of doing things, often seamlessly, cost effectively and in innovative fashion. In general, computer-aided tools tend to simplify work and produce better results in otherwise tedious, stressful and demanding tasks. Artificial intelligence, specifically has taken many disciplines into new heights.

The launch of Chat GPT and similar features indeed revolutionised many fields including writing. Such applications manage to create contents fairly quickly, easily and efficiently. With Chat GPT and related applications, one can now create reports, articles, stories and even academic papers easily and interestingly with greater accuracy, proficiency and clarity. 

However, one should be mindful that such tools are meant to simplify, assist and enhance human creativity but not to replace them. These tools should be used in a way that augments human creativity but not diminishes it. Sadly, many now use it as an alternate to human cognition! 

As a person, I take advantage of AI tools mainly to polish and get rid off redundancy for my notes, and I appreciate its seamless services. Yet, I just want to flag where it could potentially kill natural talents, cognitive ability and personal growth. Students and those in the learning stage, among others, are far more vulnerable to being exposed to this simplistic way of doing things and hence suffer life-long dependency on the machines. Early research findings also suggest excessive reliance on such tools kills confidence, creates addiction as people rely on mechanical devices. 

Since its inception, I come across almost on daily basis, AI-generated contents often camouflaged as human texts. One of the first indicators I employ to detect them is the wordiness, length of the sentences and repetition. Sentences and paragraphs also clearly lack the human empathy or natural senses. Sometimes, they could be too emotional, exaggerated, and oversensitive, given the instructions provided. 

During the Paris Bedbug drama late last year, I posted a hilarious letter, informing Paris authorities that I had to drop my travel plans there until the ‘Bedbug Elimination Operation’ comes to an end, and hopefully implemented within the confines of ‘International Framework of Insect Conservation’. 

Learned friends, immediately acted and vocally responded on behalf of Paris. Some, using AI- generated texts, smartly though; and some heavily relying on the machines, all responded and provided equally hysterical responses. 

Another friend once told me someone who posts an article, mostly on a scientific topics in every 30 minutes. Clearly, you can’t produce a serious scientific write up in such short timeframe still on daily basis unless one is insulting readers’ intellect. For this small note you are reading now, for instance, I have been revising, editing and rewriting it for the last two days before I eventually let it go.

I have shared this article with two of my high school daughters; and both narrated how their classmates, despite school restrictions, manage to use Chat GPT for assignments. In school IT lab, these features are blocked and hence not directly accessible, but tech-savvy, Gen Z students always find ways to go about it. My daughters and I, however, remain aligned in our vision - the importance of genuine learning at this crucial stage. 

It all comes down to how we utilise AI-powered technology. At best, it simplifies tasks, enhances efficiency and improves performance. At worst, in short, it kills critical creativity. 

Finally, such tools will of course remain useful and beneficial when used to nurture productivity. One, nevertheless, should strike a balance between taking advantage of the technological advances for greater efficiency and at the same time cementing the talent, human creativity and innovation. A hard balance it might seem though, but believe me, it’s doable. Indeed, doing so is necessary for one to remain relevant, competitive, innovative and productive!

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How does AI impact our everyday life!

Photo credit: Daily Nation The human innovation and creativity is on perpetual rise; always taking new heights; reaching new levels. Propell...